Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Bayberry

Dear Bayberry,

On this day, twelve years ago, you entered the world, kicking and screaming and making sure everyone knew you had arrived. You've been making grand entrances ever since.

You were almost ten pounds, and almost 22 inches of absolute confidence. You knew what you wanted from the beginning, and you've never been shy about asking.  

It's been such an honor to be your mother. It's been a crazy ride. Sometimes, it's all I can do to hold on as tight as my fingers will allow and fly along with you. Other times, we coast quietly. There's never been a dull moment, though!

I'm so proud of the lovely young woman you're becoming. You're beautiful, energetic, loving, kind, smart, funny, and full of good ideas. I'm proud of the hard work you're putting into your school work. Your goal of straight As on your report card is great! You're doing so well in band. I look forward to your concerts and seeing you progress further.

We've celebrated twelve birthdays with you. As I look ahead, I wonder what the next twelve will bring. I'm looking forward to seeing you grow into yourself -- into the life in store for you. Enjoy your year -- it's the last year before you're a real teenager!

I love you very much, Bayberry. Always remember that. And like it or not, you will always be my baby.

All my love,


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